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Register for OAT

Online Application Tracking (OAT)

All OAT registrants must be approved by the SAMHSA SOAR TA Center. You will receive an email from soaroat@prainc.com confirming receipt of registration, and another when your registration has been approved. If you have any questions, please contact us at soaroat@prainc.com or 518-439-7415 x2.

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SOAR Training(s) I have Completed

SOAR Online Course: Adult Curriculum

Date must be in mm/dd/yyyy format
Click to Open Calendar

SOAR Online Course: Child Curriculum

Date must be in mm/dd/yyyy format
Click to Open Calendar

2-Day Stepping Stones to Recovery training

Date must be in mm/dd/yyyy format
Click to Open Calendar

4-Day Train-the-Trainer program (2006-2013)

3-Day SOAR Leadership Academy